Our Buzzing Bees
In the Preschool classroom your child will learn, discover, and create in an atmosphere that fosters children’s natural desire to experience learning. There are planned activities that build fine motor, gross motor and socialization skills. Preschoolers are working hard to develop their skills. Learning to recognize their name, recognize shapes and colors, following directions, and emotional control. These are the foundation of success in their later life. Child-led activities are what our teachers base their instruction on. The ever-changing interest of a child is explored through hands-on activities, manipulatives, and free play.
We continue encouraging opportunities for emotional play, perceptual play and sensory experiences, surrounded by nurturing, supportive warmth. We plan a day based on what we know will typically be interesting to and appropriate for our explorers. Again, in this environment we choose specific books and learning topics, e.g., amphibians, reptiles and frogs, as we notice an interest from our students to learn about these animals. Our curriculum piece emerges as we delve deeper into the children's questions and wonders. Such as, how do frogs grow? Teachers will discuss these topics and strive to find hands on learning activities to introduce to the group, such as finding and raising tadpoles to frogs which results in learning the tadpole life cycle. Our foundation of a predictable daily routine, a balance of experiences, and a reflective practice with children, are simultaneously structured and yet flexible depending on where the children's interests lay.
Classroom Environment
Our Preschool classroom provides an environment of explorations for our students. Our teachers work to foster skills like listening, learning how to treat one another, problem solving techniques and manners. They also encourage self-dressing, independent bathroom skills, age appropriate table etiquette, and the development of social and emotional intelligence.
Children can choose to lead in prayer before meals, and are given the opportunity to serve their own food and pour their own milk to build self-help skills. During our outdoor time we choose from one of several play areas where teachers supervise while interacting with the children to enhance gross motor skills, imaginary play and various other concepts of knowledge building. A nutritious snack is served after a daily rest time, followed by outdoor play and classroom center time.
Jointly manipulates objects with one or two other peers
Able to clean up food or toys after self
Climbs playground equipment with increasing agility
Enjoys learning simple rhythm and movement routines
Independently cuts paper with scissors
Can toilet themselves
Understands when someone is hurt and comforts them
May show bouts of aggression with peers
Likes to give and receive affection from parents
Can hold attention span 10 to 15 minutes
Uses objects and materials to build or construct things, e.g. block tower, puzzle, clay, sand and water
Understands causality (“I can make things happen”)

Answers simple questions
Likes talking and experiments with new words
Enjoys jokes, rhymes and stories
Will assert self with words
Takes part in converstations
Can identify their name by looking at a written word
Tells stories

EduPlay Discovery Center, the Preschool preschool program accelerates a child’s path toward kindergarten readiness by providing theme-based, hands-on learning opportunities that allow children to make choices and be successful. Creative expression, discovery, and exploration are encouraged.