The transition from infancy to becoming a waddler is one of great change. Babies become waddler as they learn to walk, and their universe has its own big bang. Waddlers are much more an agent in their day than an infant, and with that comes their opportunity for taking risks. Our approach with children in this period of life is to create an environment that allows for and encourages active movement, tenderly harnessed by warmth and caring. Responsive, attuned and available adults are crucial at this time. Adults help children come to know themselves, how to take a healthy risk, and how to get comfort when needed. This is the basis of our approach in the Waddler classroom. We design opportunities for emotional play, perceptual play and sensory experiences, surrounded by nurturing, supportive warmth. We plan a day based on what we know will typically be interesting to and appropriate for our explorers. We choose specific books and learning topics, e.g, strawberries, as we notice an interest from our students. Our curriculum piece emerges as we get to know your children. Our foundation of a predictable daily routine, a balance of experiences, and a reflective practice with children, are simultaneously structured and yet flexible.
Classroom Environment
Our waddler classrooms provide an environment of explorations for our students. Our teachers work to foster skills like walking, running, listening, manners, and problem solving techniques. They also foster skills like pushing and pulling, climbing, and stacking objects. The curriculum reinforces these age-appropriate developments through songs, finger plays, short stories, center time, outdoor time, and circle time.
The Waddler room at EduPlay Discovery Center is a busy, happy place full of activities designed to encourage independence and learning. The day is full of hands-on activities that encourage discovery play and language building skills within the waddler’s day. The waddlers are free to learn through experience and socialization. Our curriculum supports this by allowing our teachers to vary activities to follow the children’s interests. They enjoy large and small motor activities, dramatic play and diverse sensory activities. A variety of unique and creative activities are promoted to create recognition of colors, shapes and numbers.
DIAPERS / WIPES – EduPlay will provide diapers and wipes for the infants and waddlers within the cost of the tuition. We will provide a high quality brand of diapers and a sensitive all natural wipe to ensure the least amount of allergic reactions to chemical byproducts found within certain wipes that can cause rashes and irritation. This will help to ensure that it is one less item that we will need to be asking for weekly from our parents. This is not only a cost convenience, but also a time convenience and less supplies for parents to bring.
Walks alone (12-26 mo.)
Pulls toys behind him while walking (13-16 mo.)
Carries large toys or several toys while walking (12-15 mo.)
Begins to run stiffly (16-18 mo.) Walks into ball (18-24 mo.)
Climbs onto and down from furniture unsupported (16-24 mo.)
Imitates behavior of others (18-24 mo.)
Increasingly enthusiastic about other children (20-24 mo.)
Demonstrates increasing independence (18-24 mo.)
Begins to show defiant behavior (18-24 mo.)
Points to object or picture when it is named for him (18-24 mo.)
Recognizes names of people/objects/body parts (18-24 mo.)
Says several single words (15-18 mo.)
Follows simple one-step instructions (14-18 mo.)
Wadd lers
EduPlay Discovery Center's Waddler program respects each child’s emerging sense of self and growing need for independence. We nurture your Waddler’s next steps forward, while encouraging social and intellectual growth and development.